studying abroad

Halo semua, sudah lama saya tak memasang post di blog ini....
I'd like to make this post as bilingual post, which is posted in Bahasa Indonesia and English, so keep on reading...

siapa yang nyangka sih, sekarang gw udah mulai kuliah aja, bahkan udah beberapa bulan, hampir menduduki tingkat 2....
gw kuliah di malaysia, National University of Malaysia, atau disini lebih dikenal dengan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

sejujurnya, dulu gw adalah warga indonesia yang boleh dibilang cukup jengkel dengan ulah dan kelakuan malaysia yang (menurut media) sering meng-claim hasil kekayaan alam maupun budaya Indonesia.
ya, dulu gw adalah pengikut buta (blind follower) yang kemakan mentah-mentah sama media Indonesia.

banyak hal yang gw alamin sendiri beberapa bulan belakangan, buat teman2 dari malaysia yang baca ini, jangan emosi dulu yaaa....
oke, pertama soal makanan, jelas beda lah dengan kampung halaman sendiri, jelas, siapapun akan bilang, masakan kampung halaman pribadi jauh lebih enak daripada apapun.

lalu, budaya, boleh dibilang, malaysia adalah negara yang nuansa islamnya jauh lebih kental daripada kampung halaman gw sendiri, Indonesia. dari situ, gw menyimpulkan bahwa sebagian kaum muda di indonesia lebih perhatian akan penampilan mereka (dengan kata lain, lebih modis)

gw baru aja selesai nonton film buatan anak UGM (Universitas Gajah Mada) tentang sudut pandang pelajar Malaysia yang belajar di Indonesia, judul filmnya "Beriak di Dalam" silahkan di cek.

buat yang gak tau, mari gw paparkan dulu keadaan disini bagaimana, dengan keadaan di Indonesia gimana...

gw sebagai orang Indonesia TIDAK PERNAH SEDIKITPUN merasa di diskriminasikan disini, mungkin banyak media yang bilang bahwa banyak pekerja Indonesia yang mendapatkan pengalaman pahit disini, Tapi, HEY! jangan asumsikan itu sebagai General........ jangan anggap warga malaysia yang menganiaya orang kita itu semuanya sama... ENGGAK, SAMA SEKALI ENGGAK

well, gw gatau soal kekayaan alam dan budaya yang kita perebutkan, ambil contoh, batik......
kayaknya, yang panas soal batik cuma kita aja deh........
warga malaysia tidak mendapatkan informasi se bebas apa yang kita dapat... boleh dibilang, kita lebih terprovokasi........

sedangkan Disana:

berdasarkan forum-forum indonesia yang gw tau, misalnya kaskus.... terlalu banyak warga negara Indonesia yang terprovokasi oleh berita yang ada...
memang benar ada kasus tentang TKI yang dianiaya di malaysia, tapi, sekali lagi, jangan taruh di kepala kalian bahwa semua orang malaysia adalah sama, TIDAK... SAMA SEKALI TIDAK

gw sebagai orang indonesia yang kuliah di malaysia, masih berani tuh jalan ke tengah kota pake atribut negara Indonesia, baju bola Indonesia misalnya?

sedangkan di Indonesia, gw agak sangsi sih, orang malaysia yang pake baju jersey malaysia akan selamat sampe tujuan................

terus, salah siapa dong? salah Indonesia?? atau salah Malaysia??
mmm..mmmmm..... Salah KITA SENDIRI... sebagai individu yang cerdas, seharusnya kita gak boleh menelan bulet-bulet apa yang diinformasikan oleh media!! lihatlah dari beberapa sisi atau sudut pandang

kalau kita benci seseorang, jangan benci orang itu karena kewarganegaraannya, jangan karena ras nya, atau bahkan garis keturunannya! bencilah orang itu sebagai individu, Don't Put Everything as General

nyatanya, banyak banget kok disini temen-temen gw yang dari malaysia yang baik banget sama gw......
yaaa walaupun dalam berteman, namanya selek dikit adalah..... tapi yaudah, cuma sebatas itu aja, gak lebih....

okay..... let's start the English version here... hehehe
who knows that right now, I'm already in my university level......
I'm currently studying at National University of Malaysia, or also known as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

well honestly,  I was one of the Indonesian who (more or less) hate Malaysia, which is (based on Indonesian Media) often to claim Indonesian's nature and culture...
yes, I WAS a blind follower who believe in Indonesian's media.....

there are so many things happened in the last few months, well, for my Malaysian friends, please don't be angry, just read it first...
first, about the food, of course it's different, everyone will thought that their homeland's foods are better right? rather than anything....

and then, the culture, I may say that Malaysia is a country which is has the islamic culture stronger than Indonesia. From that point, I assume that most of Indonesian youth are more concern about their appearance, or we can say, more fashionable.

 well, I just Finished watch Indonesian Short Movie which is made by Indonesian student who studied at UGM (Universitas Gajah Mada, in Jogjakarta, Indonesia) about Malaysian student who studying in Indonesia, it's about their perspective.
the movie title is "Beriak di Dalam" you may search it, i will post the link later on.

for those who didn't know, let me say about the current condition first.
In Here (Malaysia):

well, as an Indonesian, I'VE NEVER FELT being discriminate by the people in here, NOT EVEN A BIT.
maybe there are lots of media said that so many Indonesian worker being abused by their employer, but hey! Don't Put it in General, PLEASE......

I don't really know about the natural wealth or the culture that we (malaysia-indonesia) had been fighting for, let say batik.....
well, seems like the one who really provoked about the batik things is only Indonesian people (inside Indonesia)
Malaysian people didn't get the information as free as we did, more or less we can say that we (Indonesian) had been provoked by media... that much.....

Meanwhile In There (Indonesia):

Based on the Indonesian forums that i know, let say one of it is Kaskus, there are too many Indonesian people that have been provoked by the current issue....
well, it is true that there are some cases about Indonesian worker that has been abused by their boss, but, once again, don't put it in your head that "all of the malaysian people are the same" NO, NOT AT ALL!

I, as an Indonesian who is studying in Malaysia, I still have a courage to wear on Indonesian attributes, let say Indonesian Football Jersey, to walk in to the city..

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, well, I'm not really sure, if there is a Malaysian who wearing Malaysian Football Jersey and take a walk into the middle of the city, they will arrive safely at their destination............

well then, whose fault is this? Indonesia's?? Malaysia's??
mmm..mmmmmm.... it OUR OWN FAULT... as a smart individual person, we're not suppose to take the information provided by the media as it is, we have to think about it first, see from many point of view

if we hate someone, don't hate them because of their nationality, race, or even their lineage! hate them as personal, Don't Put Everything as General

the truth is, I have so many malaysian friends in here, and they are really nice!
well, even though when you're having a friend relationship with someone, there must be some little misunderstood or something like that, but, that's all! i'm not hate them

well, i think that's all from me, leave the comment if you like, thx!!
yak, sekian dari gw, silahkan kasih komentar kalau mau



June 14, 2012 at 1:00 AM

Fine, sounds attractive to share your personal experiences with others. Hope to have an adventurous time during your study period in Malaysia and u can count on me for everything ;) tnx again for sharing ...


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